When you mention hybrid to people, the first thought they get is – cars! And rightly so, the automotive market has pushed this concept to the public for years as a greener alternative to the gas-guzzling, fume spilling cars of yesteryear.

It may be by design, or simply just coincidence, that the notion of hybrid events, could possibly be taken in the same vein as the automotive market has been pushing – green. Reduced travel for delegates and presenters, reduced associated costs such as accommodation and subsistence for the organisers. Hybrid is now looking like a pretty attractive offering for our clients, isn’t it?

But, how do venues cash in on this popular ‘new’ buzz terminology sweeping the events landscape? This question has been posed to us more and more by our venue clients in recent weeks, so we thought we’d capture a few points to help you carve out your own path to the holy grail which is hybrid events.

So, let’s break this whole hybrid thing down to its simple terms. Hybrid is; a mixture of in-person and online. That’s it, there’s no variation that some seem to be putting on it, making advising and selling the concept more complicated than it needs to be and confusing clients.

Over the next 5 weeks we’re going to detail our top points which venues need to consider before advertising themselves as being able to offer hybrid events. These are important because if they’re not covered by you and your team before holding a hybrid event for a client, things can go drastically wrong.

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